All about Vaccines

I attended a very timely and informative webinar from The Asian Parent Philippines and Sanofi last April 28. I think that vaccines have a lot of misconceptions and I’m glad I was able to clarify them from a certified expert. Here are some of the important points that I wish to share with my fellow mommies ? ❤️ It’s okay to delay vaccines, especially now amidst this health crisis. There’s always time to catch up. It’s better to stay home than risk going to the hospital. The only vaccine that was mentioned in the webinar that could NOT be delayed was Rota Vaccine which must be administered to a baby until 8 months old only. ❤️ For newborn babies, don’t worry about delaying vaccine as antibodies are passed from Mother to baby which also offers protection. ❤️ If really needed to go to the hospital, use babywear with cover to keep the baby close and lessen exposure. ❤️ With regards to Vaccines from a Private Hospital and the ones that are free from Health Centers, they both have same safety and efficacy. However, not all vaccines are available in the Health Center. ❤️ If the child has mild illness and symptoms, it is still ok to vaccinate. It’s not a contraindication. ❤️ A baby that is breastfeeding, even though getting lots of nutrients and antibodies from the Mother still needs Vaccines. ❤️No vaccine is 100 percent. However, it greatly decreases the risk and symptoms. #SanofiActs #FamHealthy #theAsianParentPHLive #WorldImmunizationWeek #VaccinesWork #allaboutbakuna

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