Husband has low sex drive and is not interested in sex

My hubby often says he is tired from work whenever I try to initiate sex. Through the 8 years that we have been married, we probably have sex only about 4 to 5 times throughout a year, and usually quick sex that ends with his ejaculation. I used to think that my post-partum flabby body after our 2nd child had become so unattractive and turned him off. I even wondered if he was having an affair outside. I have tried ways to turn my hubby on, after losing some weight, putting on sexy lingerie, even planning a 'sexcation' away from the kids... but we still don't make love much. I strongly believe a healthy sex life is also part of a happy and healthy marriage. We have had our heartfelt talks with each other, and i told him how lonely i have been feeling. My hubby's low libido is most likely attributed to the many medications he is taking for high blood pressure, high cholestrol and the worse one is from antidepressants. My hubby is not the sentimental sort, and we don't have much physical intimacy other than some quick hugs or pecks on the lips. He is a good man and a good father who provides for the family. As a stay-home mum I am kept very busy but this is an issue that is always weighing on my mind. I don't have close friends and this is not something i can talk to my family about, without them judging my husband. I do not have intentions to leave my husband but i feel really sad, especially if the low libido was due to medication, and there's nothing that my hubby can do about it.

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