Pre eclampsia

My gynae informed me that I’ve pre eclampsia. I’m only at week 24 and I’m so scared about having to deliver my baby so so early, will baby survive, will baby be healthy…Im so worried and feel terrible that this has happened. If you’ve had pre eclampsia before, how did you cope, could you share please…

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Thank you everyone for your support and replies. Unfortunately my BP and protein in my blood rose and I’m admitted immediately for monitoring and to manage the BP. I was able to hold my emotions, teared abit only, listening to my gynae’s explanation but burst into sobs once I’m in the labour ward and the nurse was trying to insert the catheter. The combined painful reality and insertion was too much at that moment. Managed to cross another day holding my baby in. Praying this remains so for many weeks to come as baby is so small now….

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I was also at risk for preeclampsia.. found out during one of my routine check-ups. My gynae prescribed aspirin as a precaution. Thankfully, I was able to have a natural delivery and carried my baby to 39+ weeks. I’d recommend discussing your concerns with your gynae and following their advice closely. :)

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high chance u will have emergency c sect once u are dignose with pre clampsia...not suitable for natural delivery. u will visit the clinic more frequent than normal preg ladies to monitor ur situation, jus folo what the do says , dont stress, stress affects baby n all rounder

Doctor got give any advise? I heard a low does aspirin once a day can reduce, but also pls kindly consult with your doctor carefully. hope this will not serious matter and have a smooth delivery

4w ago

low dose is half a tablet per day. mayb u shldnt stress or think too much. juz ho with the flow. i was given aspirin half a tablet per day but i didnt took it. juz go with the flow. my baby grow up well...

if you are working, you need to get Hospitalized leave and bed rest is better also.

ohh so sad to hear. pls pray and stay strong 💪... Stay away from stress