How do other mums do it? I am so so so exhausted taking care of my little munchkin. I am a ftwm. Leave the child in childcare Mon - fri and weekend take care of him. Weekends are just so exhausting as I don't have much family help. How do you find time to rest?

I'm a ftwm with two kids. Hubby will send them to cc n bring them in the evening. I gotta rush home to cook,get dinner ready before 7.30pm. Then hubby will go work at 8plus. My 4yo will help tc of my 2yo so that I can quickly finish up what I need to do then rest on sofa watch tv n play with kids. Husband n I will split housework but ofc if at times he is tired I do more Lor but when I need help he will surely help me. I manage my time well n my kids both very independent so they Wun disturb me when they know I'm Busy. Like this I can do things fast have more time to rest & relax. I make sure by 10, we r ready to zzz. Multitasking is the keyword I think I'm immune to it so I dun really feel very tired. Instead I enjoy been so busy esp when it comes to interacting, playing with kids, taking good care of Husband n kids and keeping my house clean. Actually at times I'm quite proud of myself lol! With such a busy schedule I can yet stay focus & perform well in everything I do! Motivation is also very important. Saturdays will either bring kids to my grandpa place or they will come to my place to visit the kids. Sunday morning will be bonding time with hubby & kiddos. Sunday's usually stay home as I love to cook so I will utilise my weekend time to whip up 'special request' dishes by kids or Husband whereby I need longer time to prepare. To be honest hard to have lots of time to rest but weekdays I will make sure we sleep at 10plus 11 to Ensure we have ample sleep. It's important to organise time effectively so that u can get some rest.
Read moreI'm in the same boat. FTWM of a 29 month old, no help from family members, and husband is not hands-on. I learn to pick my battles. I used to insist washing all my beddings every single week, but these days if i feel sluggish, I'll do alternate weeks. At weekend mornings, after finishing his milk, i let my son watch youtube nursery rhymes videos on TV (we connect our tv and laptops) for 45-60mins while serving him light breakfast. This gives me time to get my coffee, prepare lunch, and do some house chores, before bringing him out to the playground/for a walk. I mainly cook for my son only and if i cook for the entire family, i limit to only 1 tool at a time (slow cooker/steamer/pan) and just "dump" in all the ingredients. My son naps for 2.5-3 hrs in the afternoon. I will take a 30-45mins nap before continuing with housework and dinner prep. Same thing with night time. Will nap when he is ready for bed before waking up again in the middle of night to finish any unfinished business. I take half-day leave once every 1.5-2month to do massage (tuina) or just catch up on sleep or for any other personal stuff. I live on coffee, coffee, and coffee.
Read moreHello there. Let me share my piece here. I am a ftwm too and I have a 3yo and a 6mo to take care after work and weekends. My hubby works shift every few days, so in a month half of it I am on my own actually ☺. Since there is no way to leave the kids behind, and I am in charge, I work my way to find time to rest and relax. Weekdays I can have about 2 hours tv time and at same time, cook dinner and wash clothing - next day dawn then hang them. Weekend Sat, either home or nearby mall and Sun out for breakfast and playground day for my 3yo. Ĺearning to work it out with LO and enjoy it, all these will be history as time ticks itself.
Read moreYes indeed. Motherhood is always a tiring thing especially when we are sick and we have to still care for our LO regardless night or day (on MC) I am a FTWM but i have the privilege to bring my LO with me to work. But it isn't a thing to be happy off. I had two juggle work and childcare at the same time during the day && childcare and house chores back at home. Yes it is tiring, But i always tell myself. They don't stay young for long. Few years down the road, they would not be wanting to stick with us. They would not want to follow us wherever we go. So hang in there mummy!!
Read moreHi mommy big hugs must be tough for you. For the childcare center your child goes to do they not have Saturday half day service? I let my little one stay over at my mil's place once a week so that I can get some rest and do my stuffs. Not sure if you can arrange family member to take care of your kid for at least a while during weekend? Or find a part time baby sitter. Does your husband help out btw? It is really tiring for FTWM, but it will get better as kids grow older. Hang in there!
Read moreI'm a FTWM too. My mum looks aft LO in the day and we will pack dinner back for ourselves and take over from mum aft work. Weekend will look after her ourselves with MIL'S help. Hardly have time to rest as LO is still DL and is sticky to me. But I enjoy spending time with LO and because she needs me, that gives me the energy to not feel so tired. Perhaps you can take leave during weekdays to take a rest, sleep or go out and relax.
Read moreMotherhood, is exhausting. You are not alone!!!! I always ask myself how do i do it too. Truth is, i have no idea. I just have to do it. We dont have a choice do we? End of the day, thats what makes us mum and for that we are special. Im a ftm as well. We need to disciplinr our minds. I feel you just need a break thats all. We all do. With that said, im a bad mom! And i say cheers to being a bad mom :)
Read moreI had the same routine as u. I get a part time helper to clean the house once a week while I spend quality time with my 2 yr old. When I need a nap, I will get my LO to do it with me 😊 When I need to get some groceries / shopping, I will bring my LO along and get her involve like carry her food and asking for her opinions.
Read moreI can understand hw u feel babe. I m also FTWM. Monday to Friday morning i send my dau to my mom house which one block away. Then ard 9pm i need to pick her up. Sat n sunday i hv to look after her n do house wk. Its really exhausted and tired. I hv a choice to get helper n etc. But not nw.
I nap with my lo on the same bed. Can rest on the bed and when he starts dozing off, you can sleep too. Just make sure that your lo don't fall off the bed. We also put our lo at this child lounge at Vivo. 1st hour $15, sub hr $12.. my lo loves the place and we get to have some ME time..
Mother of 2 pumpkins