How will you explain to your mother in law that you're not a believer of the saying "babies should not take a bath on Tuesdays and Fridays"? I told her politely that babies needs to take a bath everyday,but she insist that its bad luck. She even got mad at me.

Kids, even babies as young as newborn should take a bath daily. Especially during summer months. My little girl, now 20 month old, was advised by her pedia to take a bath twice as even as early as 7 months. Kids even babies also suffer from hot weather, it is best that they take a bath daily to freshen up and balance their body temperature. As long as we are quick to dry them up and dress them. There should be no fear of getting sick. I think, as long as the baby is perfectly healthy your mother in law would be at peace with daily bath. To which my answer to your questions is -- when the in laws are in doubt, all we can do is proceed with what we think works best for our kid. Show them that the result is a happier and healthier little person. We wouldnt want to harm our kids. No parent does.
Magbasa paMy auntie also believe on this superstition not only on Tuesday and Thursday but to those days falling on a date with '7'. When I ask her the reason why, she just said she get sick whenever she do take a bath. I want to tell her 'Maybe you get sick because you believe you will when you take a bath. Mind over matter.' Ask her the reason why is it bad luck. Then tell her if she can't provide you with a reason that has no scientific/medical basis, then you will continue to bath your baby everyday! It's hygienic to take a bath, plus the weather these days. Haha.
Magbasa paDid she explain why? Actually, I just smile and acknowledge all suggestions of the elders (whether my family or my husband's family). Because it will just create misunderstanding as they will insist that it worked during their time. You can do what you want because you are the mother. There's no need to follow what they say.
Magbasa paI have never heard of such a thing. Then again with all due respect, its hygiene. Lol. Is she the care giver for baby? If it was me, id secretly shower baby later. Since baby us under her care, then no point arguing. Im sure both of you mean well for baby, its only a matter of different believes and perspective.
Magbasa paThis is the first time I heard this nonsense. Lol If the weather is so. hot, impossible baby can skip bathing. You can tell her that luck dont just come if never bath, if luck comes that way, why she is bathing on that particularly day?
Magbasa paNo need to try explaining again because you've tried saying it politely and yet she still got mad. Just go ahead and give your baby a bath. At the end of the day, you are the parent and you know what's best for your child.
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I just go on with my routine when it comes to my kids. She can't do anything any way, we don't depend on her so all she can do is advise or suggest but it doesn't mean we are going to follow what she tells us.
omg! is this something new? I've never heard of such things before. tell yr mother in law that bathing is for cleaning and hygiene purposes. tell her it got nothing to do with luck. don't be supertitous
Magbasa paIts your baby. But if you really want to squash the debate, bring her along to a monthly check-up and mention it to the doctor, it would be a better that she heard it firsthand.