hubby's reaction?
How does ur hub respond when you told him you suspect your pregnancy ?

We've been trying for 6mths and almost every month I told him I might be pregnant, and it's all false alarm when the test kit shows negative. When there's a faint line, my husband says" maybe the kit not working properly" LOL.
My hub was only 'ouh. Okay'😂 I tested the kit during his off day and he just cant be bothered but was smiling. When i told My mum , she say 'u both nothing better to do. Just go make babies 😓no need work. ' 😂😂
i took a test then left it in the toilet & forgot about it, he asked me “so how?” i said i forgot & he went to check, came back & said “u’re pregnant la” & then nothing else 🤷🏻♀️
Like “oh? Really or not?” 🤣 It really sink in for him when he saw baby’s heartbeat during our 2nd visit to the gynae.. Then even more so after we passed the first trimester...
My hubby suspected it first cause I was sick and vomiting and missed my period..went for checkup because I had fever then we found out we were😅🤣
1st child no reaction.. 2nd child if there is..I think he'll be way over moon.. I mean he is like asking me every time he finds a chance to have another kid
thrilled. He asked me to take the test kit again and once double confirmed, he accompany me to the hospital for the following check up on our baby. (:
He bought an expensive digital test kit, then made me wait for one whole week before testing just to make sure.
He's shocked yet very calm. All I can say is that he really handled it well 💐
Excited. And want me to wait for him to be available to take the pregnancy test together.