The day you found out you were expecting ..
Did you remember how your spouse reacted when you told him the news?

I took the test at work and didn’t tell him until I reached home I took another test. He was in a foul mood because of lack of sleep. When I called him to the toilet after I was done peeing on the stick, he came to me and gave me the “what?” reaction. I showed him the test and he looked at it, confused and then looked at me. He looked at it again and a smile started forming from the corner of his lips and said “Hah? Serious?? No wait, hah? Really?” I was like nodding to his reaction and took the rest away and showed him the pregnant sign on the leaflet and wanted to cry but he potong steam lah never cry also! Lol not what I expected but ok lah, coming from a person who is so full of void..hey at least he reacted? 😂 But he’s not interested to research about my pregnancy journey and that makes me sad actually. Like he doesn’t wanna be involved or know more about what’s happening to my insides. Oh well. 🤷🏻♀️
Read moreHusband suspected 2 weeks in advance that I was pregnant but I brush him off saying that it could be due to stress that my period is late. First test done was negative, husband kept saying get another one and I told him no rush. I will test again next week. Which I did. Came positive. Woke him up from his sleep, showed him and he jumped up from the bed and hugged me. Straight away inform his parents. The whole house was chaotic.
Read moreActually my spouse more excited for baby arrival , ours is planned one so he asks me keep test it .. as we checked with cycle n as we expected ours is planned n it worked 1st time it self n confirmed .. he is the one spread the joy to all my family
Stressed at first coz although we were engaged, we haven’t planned about having a baby yet. But after the 2nd visit to the Gynae, he couldn’t hide his happiness seeing the baby through the ultrasound. 😁
first reaction: what does it say? i said read the pamphlet, with shocking eyes, so its confirm?! ure not joking? this is a real stick right?? hahahaaa.. best moments when revealing my secondborn 🤣🤩🥰
I told him I’m going to take the test and he will just wait outside the toilet. After hearing me scream omg ! He rushed to open the door and ask me Really ah? Of course he’s smiling when he asked.
My hubbs was in shock when I showed him a picture of the test kit results. The shock lasted the whole week and was asking almost everyday that week if we should get another kit to reconfirm.. 🤣🤣
He was quite and doesn't believe me at the first place because we waited for abt 7yrs to have a child, evrn told me repeat my pt after 1 week just to make sure, butv even then he was very happy, 😂
i was suprised & excited, keep from him in casd falsd alarm. Did 2nd test 2 days later. He couldn't believe & we did 3rd test 2 days later again.. Finally, we believed & arranged to visit gynae. ha
We cried together right after our morning prayers. I was dismissed from work, but we found out we were pregnant. Major blessings in disguised! ❤️