4 Replies

Hello, I develop her EQ by not only appreciating her triumph but also by applauding her when she faces her failure without any shame. I actually play a lot of activities with her and most of them have winning and losing as the end thing, and she is growing up seeing me behave calmly even when I lose. She sees that when I lose I do not cry or make a face but I say with much more grit and determination that I am going to better this time. And it does not necessarily mean winning. So, we keep doing little things at home where not only she but I also happen to develop my EQ.

Hi, I believe that everyone's problems is his own and no one can have even an iota of idea how it would feel to be in someone else's place, so when my kid goes through something, I have and she has no choice than to bear it. But what I do is, I nurture her emotional strength. I tell her that it is part of life and the way she has handled the situation is brilliant. I applaud her each time when she falls and gets on her feet, and even if it happens after many drops of tears rolling down her cheek.

As much as I want to pamper my child all the time, I also see to it that he's able to think and solve baby problems on his own. I don't want to spoon feed everything to him as he might grow up being too dependent. I want him to experience failure and be able to accept his mistakes and learn from it.

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