10 Replies

VIP Member

She might feel moody and snappy for no reason, heavy and not attractive. Show her your love. I agree with Diana about a babymoon, preferably to somewhere nearby like Batam (Nongsa). Write her little notes of love and massage her daily. www.wikihow.com/Massage-Your-Pregnant-Wife

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Shower her with love, cook for her, give her a massage, go buy groceries and most importantly... spend a lot of time with her and make her feel comfortable. 🙂

-Shower her with alot of loves and concerns especially when she has mood swing -Bring her for a babymoon -spend quality time as much as possible with her

Get her a bunch of comfy things, cute clothes, cater to her cravings, go baby shopping with her, and cuddle& massages. Keep the house clean.

A nice massage.. Let her rest give her what she craves for.. Just love and cuddle her
