Do you guys buy alot of newborn diapers(if yes, how many packets did you buy) or do you use Size S straight away?

My baby is premature so she used alot of newborn diaper (4 packets of 60s). You don't need to stock up alot now as diaper can easily get from any supermarket or online. Wait until your 3rd trimester scan to chk on baby's weight to decide whether you should get newborn size or not.
I bought only when my baby was out. She uses nb diapers till 3.5 months old. 2.5m old she start on pampers premium (cutting slightly bigger). I tried out many diff brands too and still trying out others. Depends on your baby's size though😊
I bought 160 pcs of NB diapers (by 40's). My baby is 19 days old now and I'm on my third pack already. I think she will use it til I run out of stocks, I already bought 232 pcs of Small diapers (by 58's) thinking she will outgrew it by then.
Hospital stay package came with 30pcs of newborn diapers. We only buy after discharging from hospital (180pcs nb diapers). I guess to start a pack of nb first and monitor baby size :)
Depends on a size of the baby. My LO was born quite petite but boost up about 1 month plus to a really chubby baby and we have to switched to S alr.
Only bought 1 packet (80 pcs) of NB diaper . U will be a getting a pack from hosp too upon discharged . Baby grow very fast .
I bought 5 packets, then changed to S when it started getting too tight around the thighs
My little munchkin is small so we used a carton of NB before switching to S size
I used 4 pkts of nb.. only started using S when baby was around 2 months plus
my baby used about 4 packs of NB size (birth to 1m +) before moving to S.