is my LO drinking too much?

She is going to 2 months and she is still drinking 90ml every 2 to 3 hours. What should I do?

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Super Mum

That’s normal. My LO also drank that amount, sometimes even 100ml. Now at 3.5 mths, she’s taking 120-140ml every 3 hours.

It's normal. When her stomach capacity increase she will take in more at each feed then feed at lower interval.


Might be growth spurt. If pee poo OK, not drowsy, is not a concern. Should be happy she is eating well!

Is it still normal when she is just 1.5 months old. And sometimes 90ml she is still hungry

If she's still hungry, you may want to increase to 120ml each feed? Slowly increase.

6y ago

Thank you. I think I will increase to 120ml. When she was 0.5 months to 1 month old she was taking 60ml and sometimes 90ml..

i use to feed her 120ml lee now 3 months and drinks 180ml plus BF

VIP Member

I think should be fine as long as she's not overweight ...

VIP Member

Normal. Feed as per LO requirement

VIP Member

My LO oso. Just go with their flow

Super Mum

Normal. Just let her drink