Hi mummies, my lil bub is 4 month old and is drinking 90ml in infant care on an avg 3 times a day, when we are home i direct latch. Previously she was only drinking 80ml and i have just increased to 90ml 2 weeks ago after my massage lady commented that my bub is drinking too little. The teachers feedback that she was slow drinker and suggest to change bigger teat. should i change to bigger teat and risk being rejected by bub? should i increase to 100ml per feed?

Different babies, different intake. Ask the caregiver at IFC, is your baby generally satisfied after 90ml feed? If so, there's no need to increase feed. And how is your baby's weight gain? Constant on the percentile chart? I advise against changing to a bigger teat. When babies latch, they are able to control the flow of milk. During bottle feeding, it's basically free flowing. Changing to a bigger teat may risk your baby choking on the flow or breast rejection (baby prefer fast automatic flow from bottle). That said, I have also heard mummies upsizing their bottle teat and still able to latch their babies. Still, different babies have different results. I would not risk it if I were you. Hope it helps.
Read moreMy bub drink very little milk ..3oz each feeding since newborn to 1 old. I changed the teats when he reach 6 mo...to the biggest size as indicated. But that doesnt increase the milk intake at all. Now my son whom is going to 3 years old, only drink 4oz (110ml). I was worried about his growth too. He is a picky eater, that make it worst. But eventually he still will grow tall and healthy kid.
Read moreEven when bub is drinking 80ml previously, IFC only feedback that she takes quite some time to finish her milk. when we are back after IFC, bub will latch 2-3 times between 7pm+ to 10pm+. sometimes she will latch for quite long. i think this is cluster feed? baby's weight is on the lower percentile on the chart, i think 15 percentile.
Read moreIf your baby is a slow drinker, introducing her to a bigger teat will be kindda like making her force drink more, don't you think? Perhaps you could increase your feeding times -- that way baby can get more milk in but at the same steady pace. Changing teat sizes suddenly might cause baby to reject drinking milk completely.
Read moreMaybe watch the baby. If she is generally satisfied after the 90ml, then no need to increase. How is her diaper output? Aim for 5-6 wet nappies a day. I disagree with changing teats as well, as the fast flow may make her reject the breast as babies drink differently at the breast compared to using bottles
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Not sure, but my bub drinks about 120 ml for each feed and she is coming 9 weeks.