Hi My girls keeps waking up for milk during e night mybe she's used to drink. I have seen mummies post about diluting the milk or giving plain water. Does that helps? Thank You

9MO doesn't need night feeds anymore if they are well fed in the day. My 9MO were on 4 day feeds since 6MO and he sleeps 11-12h uninterrupted on most nights. He woke up up for the past 3 nights for an extra feed due to growth spurt. If your concern is baby waking up in the night and not sleeping enough, that means it's time she's sleeping independently.
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Does she eat in the day? How old is she? Its a phase they will outgrow. My boy always ask for milk if he doesnt eat in the day.
My baby has been sstn by 5th mth. By right at 4 th month they would have enough reserves to last them thru the night ...
My 8mth old is drinking 120ml every 5 hrs
How old is your girl now? They will eventually stop when they reach a certain age to STTN
Babies can STTN for 7-8H from as early as 3-4MO. It's not a matter of how much milk is given at bedtime but rather the ability of the baby to sleep independently through self soothing.