Diluting formula milk
Do u diluting formula milk? By adding additional 10 or 15ml of water. Will it have negative effects on the baby in long term?

yes, I add 10ml more cos last time my #1 baby don't like formula, so I dilute it so it doesn't taste so strong. for my #2, I also dilute by 10ml cos she had a bad constipation since starts solid, she cries everytime she poop, cos the stool is so hard, but she's better now cos her milk intake now is much more compare to last time. She starts formula since 6 months btw, I didn't gave her fm from beginning, for early stage better not dilute cos they don't drink much
Read moreIf the formula milk is making your baby unwell, try changing brands instead. there's another group on formula milk brands where parents shared their experiences. Some brands work better for some but not for others, depends on individual.
Is your baby unwell? Why dilute? And why long term? Baby needs the full nutrients to grow healthy...I only dilute my son's milk if he was sick...having fever, vomitting, etc just to keep him hydrated...
Don’t dilute. It’s not good for the baby. The formula is made specifically to suit babies’ needs. https://www.hellomotherhood.com/article/97662-dangers-diluted-baby-formula/
No, though I dont think 10ml more of water will have much negative effects. But all these depends on individual and better not to risk it, especially if baby is still small.
Depends on your baby's age. Babies under 1 yo shouldn't dilute. It affects their poop. My babe that's above 1 yo i diiulte. No problem
Read moreI don't dilute the formula milk unless advised by the doctor. But I think additional 10ml shouldnt have any harmful effects...
I dilute under dr advise as my bb was not pooping for 3 days. Once her bowel movements become regular I stopped le.
doc suggested to give diluted milk when my LO diarrhoea for a few days.
I don’t dilute as it will result in under nutrition