Is it milk strike? Or something else? HELP ME MUMMIES😢

Hi there Mummies. Past few days my LO 1 year 4 months been rejecting her milk. Shes drinking lesser milk nowadays and also reject the whole bottle some days. Tried many ways to feed her with milk but it does not work and it makes her more cranky afterall. What shall I do? Below will be her daily routine. -Usually will drink her milk 4 times a day and finished it but she starts to reject it recently and I changed her teat hoping it helps but no it got worse. Now she will drink half of the milk out of 4 times. SHOULD I CHANGE THE MILK? -Shes on solid food and fed twice a day. No problem so far she finished it up and drink plain water as usual. CAN BE THE PLAIN WATER INTAKE MAKE HER FULL AND REJECT MILK? -Shes always very active and now cutting down on one day nap in the morning only and be awake all the way until she sleeps at night. IS SHE TOO TIRED OR STRESS UNTIL SHE HAS THIS PROBLEM REJECTING MILK? (ON A SIDE NOTE CAN I KNOW HOW YOU MUMMIES WEAN OFF YOUR LO FROM THE NEED OF PUSHING YOUR LO IN A STROLLER TO SLEEP?? I REALLY NEED HELP ON THIS. SUGGESTION PLEASE. THANK YOU MUMMIES.) Please share with me what and how you Mummies encountered this. I am okay with any suggestion or opnions. Please help! THANK YOU SO MUCH MUMMIES! #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls

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My baby is also 1y 4m and drinking lesser milk lately. She can’t even finish 80ml per feeding and she is only drinking on average 300ml per 24hrs. It’s really less. She’s eating about 2-3 times a day. Her routine is milk time at 7:30am then back to sleep, wake up at 11am milk again then shower. Brunch, milk, nap time about 2hrs. Wake up drink milk, play time, milk, dinner, play, milk, sleep. She’s also active and constantly want to eat our food. Sometimes she doesn’t even want to suck on her bottle so we resort to giving her straw instead and she usually finishes her milk. Maybe at this stage, they’re playful and want to try new things so maybe you can let your baby try drinking from a sippy with straw cup? I also give my baby a small packet of milo once or twice a week for breakfast. If she’s not drinking enough milk, I’ll make sure to supplement her nutrients with food instead. As her nutrients will come mainly from her food source at this age, not so much from milk. You may also want to try giving baby full cream milk or fresh milk, see if she wants it.

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3y ago

My baby has a full set of baby teeth! Hahaha she’s quite fast. But sometimes she’s still putting her finger inside her mouth maybe out of habit. When she was growing our her molars, she also lost her appetite. Didn’t want to drink or eat. I gave her something cold to gnaw on like frozen cube of breastmilk, a bit of cold water/juice. It helps to soothe the tension from the jaws. I also have teethers in the freezer/fridge so when she’s starting to put her finger in her mouth previously, I’ll just take it out and give it to her. Hope yours is just a phase and hang in there, it’ll be over soon! 🤗