7 Replies

My boy became exclusively formula fed at 3.5months. Close friend of mine was exclsively formula feeding her baby girl since day 1 at the hospital. Dont make urself feel bad for any inability to bf as it doesnt make us a bad mom or whatever. Personally for me, as long as baby is content with any milk provided, we as mothers alr did our part. Nvrtheless, if u still want to bf, keep on trying. You do you. No right or wrong method of feeding.

Super Mum

Hi dear, is there a reason you have a phobia of stimulating? Also, it’s perfectly fine to formula-feed your baby if that’s what you wish ❤️ You’re doing your best for your baby and that’s what matters. If you are keen to keep trying breastfeeding, I’m happy to share some tips


there's nothing wrong to not breastfeeding it's your choice ultimately all mother are wonderful. the difference I think for is breastfeeding baby easier to calm down and take care off.

my mum told me n my bro grew up healthily without drinking breast milk 100% formula. so don't worry!

VIP Member

skin to skin. u need stimulation, baby latch is the best else u can try hand express or pump

VIP Member

All the best! My supply only kicked in on day 6!

VIP Member

Keep trying

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