Anyone only formula fed your baby with no breast milk for some reason?
Formula feeding - is it really not as good compared to breastfeeding? #pleasehelp #advicepls

No it is not true. The sole reason MOH is strongly advocating for breast milk is because the GP and turnover for formula milk is very high. Hospitals are not allowed to push formula milk because of this. MOH doesn’t want FM brands to affiliate with hospitals and in the end both profit from parents making the cost of FM exponentially high for those who really need it. It is already as expensive as it is. Because of this strict rule, hospitals will not give you FM unless you ask for it. So do your research first. They have all the brands and when you need you have to tell them exactly which brand you want and they will provide for you. Remember they are not allowed to push any brand so if you don’t know what you want they will just randomly give you any. Else they will just keep asking you to try to breastfeed because they are not allowed to offer. I was 100% formula baby because my mum didn’t have any BM and back then I think it wasn’t really a thing so there are many formula babies out there.
Read moreNo. Please do not believe that nonsense. My baby is on full EBM while my nephew is on full formula, they grow up equally fine and well. Giving formula can be for your sanity, or for work. Some mummies don’t want to trouble and bring along pumps while working and some cannot afford to wake up 3 hourly due to personal reasons so formula works better for them. *From the start, I wanted to give EBM cause I wanted to lose weight 😅. *
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