How To Supply Breastmilk
Hi mummies, I just gave birth to my girl at 38 weeks, and so far my breast isn't making enough milk so far no matter how much massages I do to it, even from the nurses. I really feel bad and sad for my baby girl, that she has to go formula milk for now because of my milk supply. How do you make your breast supply more milk after giving birth or was it normal to have not enough supply after give birth? I truly feel bad for my girl tho. ?

Dont be stress! My bm kicked in only on day 5. And i supplemented with forrmula till 1.5 mths. I pumped every 3 hours, one power pump a day, kept hydrated, tried milk boosters (although most failed). Was desperate then amd consulted a LC. She taught me to bottle feed baby half a feed (formula or ebm) and then finish off at the breast. I did that until i was confident with my supply, then only i breastfeed exclusively, that was when baby turned 2 months old. She's 6.5 months now and I'm still breastfeed her happily - pump at work while she is bottle fed at infant care, and direct latch in the evening and through the night. Dont give up mama!
Read moreTry to latch as much as possible. Remember it’s a supply and demand system. Every time you top up with formula your body doesn’t get the message to make more milk. Make sure you’re pumping and/or latching at least every 2-3 hrs. You must do it even through the night to build your supply. It’s really hard work but I’ve been BF for 7 months and it’s so easy now. No bottles, no fuss and nurses for only 5-10 min and he’s good to go. See a lactation consultant and/or join some BF support groups for more advice too.
Read moreDont stress urself for not being able to breastfeed. There is totally nothing wrong with giving formula. My babe was mix fed (alternate btwn bm and fm) cus he was always asking for milk tho my milk havent kick in, so i gave fm and he was happy. I have a friend who gave fm from the start cus she had inverted nipples and she was totally happy with it. To each her own. Anw, if u still want to increase bm, perhaps drink more milk/eat more veggies.
Read moreSame for my case too. Baby boy came out at week 38 n I cried when doctor said baby is dehydrated. So he is on formula milk. Now he's a week old and I only can pump enough for one feed. No choice had to top up with formula milk. Dont give up ok mommy. Take supplements. Eat well. Be optimistic tho it's not as easy as it seems. Regularly pump eventhough very little comes out. You can do it babe.
Read moreThank you so much! I couldn't stress this enough tho. I already tried supplements, meds, lactation drink and cookies but all seemed to not help me at all. 😭
I faced the same problem initially but I kept trying my boy to latch before each formula feed till one week and then next week onward I stopped top feed till 90%. I heard that the the more your baby latch, more the supply will be and that really worked. Keep drinking fluids. 3-4 ltr of water. Also most importantly stay stress free
Read moreIt is normal. Milk don't come right after delivery. It's ok to formula feed now while you work on your supply. I gave birth at 34 weeks and the milk came in droplets at first. Really tiring but just sleep, eat and pump/latch. The milk supply will go up one. She is fully on bm after 1 month=) believe in yourself.
Read moreHello mummy, please try your best! I also couldnt get enough feed for the 1st month so it was always 50% EBM 50%FM. my supply become stable only at 8Wk. So please continue every 2-3 hour latch/pump and your body will learn to adjust to the needs. Rest, relax and drink fluids!
my breast milk kicked in only on day 5. low on supply initially too but i tried to pump every 3 hours on top of latching. we bottle fed baby half of her feed and finished by latching. by 2.5 months when i was more confident i was able to breastfeed baby exclusively
I was very discouraged at the start when my milk is not enough for her, as my milk increases slowly, her demands also increases. But I still continued to feed her breastmilk at least 3x a day (giving her 2 pumping session milk for one feed). A bit is always better than none.
True enough. 😊
You can try after latching pump to stimulate, giving your body info that you need more milk. Or you can eat milk booster food like: Salmon Threadfin fish Green papaya fish soup Oats biscuits Milo Durian Barley Edaname
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Chill mama of a lil princess