27 Balas

im a single mom too. not married but my partner is here to help financially.since he is a foreigner its hard to get his documents done. i made my pink book at 3 weeks in kl.they will just advice u.ignore the judgements as they dont know what u are going through.as long as u are strong u will be fine. they will refer u to social worker.im going to see mine this wednesday.social worker is just there to help u. as a single mom,i think u should prepare urself. its nice if u have family support. if u dont have family support u can ask help from the social worker.whatever u do,dont give up.btw,im 35weeks now.im not working and my family is taking care of me since i decide to go back to kuching sarawak.we want to keep the baby.my advice is start saving atleast rm500 a month from now.because u do need to buy baby stuffs and pay hospital bills.gov hospital should be less than rm500.and like i said,dont be shy to ask help from social worker.they wont take ur baby unless u give to them. im proud of u for being strong.not everyone can face the judgement of others of being a single mom.incase u are wondering,the baby's father can sign the birth cert if u are non muslim.not sure abt muslim.

just got back from my social worker interview. yes still need to go even if u almost reach 30.im 22 and they refer because single mother.i asked,they confirm to me that they wont take the baby.throughout the interview,its all about who u are staying with,family knows or not,any plans to get married,family background,u working or not.all that.if u choose not to get married its fine for them too because they only care for mother and baby. they dont care about the baby's father because for them its not a surprised men is useless.they will only take the child if there is high risk like mother doing drugs or have mental illness.other than that they wont take. hope this helps. and congrats on ur pregnancy. i hope ur pregnancy is as smooth as mine or better ❤❤

tahniah for ur pregnancy dan tahniah 4 ur keberanian. baby itu sgt bertuah. buat je buku pink.kalau takut nk pergi sorang bawa teman utk pergi. mungkin kakak awk utk temankan. nurse/doktor akan tanya.itu adlh prosedure.jgn takut.juz tell them u hav not partner. kalau family ada sbg jaminan lg sng, xperlu refer jbtn kebajikan. kalau awk sorg2 u need this. buku pink dh boleh buat stat kita tau kita pregnant sampai selewat2 pregnant. lebih awal lebih baik nurse/doktor dpt tgok perkembangan baby dan pastikan kita dpt penjagaan yg baik. kalau awk nk buat kad pink di kat klinik swasta pun boleh jugak.kalu plan nk beranak di hosp.gov, sebulan 2 b4 due awak refer pergi klinik kesihatan gov utk buat buku pink gov. klu kat gov, lebih jimat xperlu byr utk cek setiap kali.

Ill be with my sisters for the procedures. and terima kasih sb bagi sokongan❤️ kadang2 benda kita x jangka lah akan berlaku. terima kasih♥️

Boleh tak bagi pandangan apa yg perlu saya buat... Saya pregnant nak masuk 13week.. Saya masih x buat buku pink.. Dan saya masih dalam proses untuk berkahwin.. Alhamdulillah dia nk bertanggungjawab untuk saya dan baby.. Saya baru hbis khursus kawin minggu lepas sekarang masih dalam proses isi borang nikah.. Dan saya masih musykil adakah nanti klau sy register buku pink nurse akan tulis anak saya x sah taraf walaupun ayah dia ada dan baru berkahwin.. Saya agak down jugak bila fikirkan ni..

Dah request❤️

hello! I've been there before.. Now my baby is already 8months. For my every check up mesti ada nurse yg akn tanya where is my marriage cert which i pelu kepil dkt buku pink. i was at my 30 last year but still malu n segan. but i gagahkn dr n semangat utk register bcos of the baby. apapun yg tjadi, i still teruja bcos i'm going to be a mum. so much to tell, but yeah.... i pray that u and baby are doing fine. jgn fikir byk cos it will affected your health n kandungan. love u!

Hello! Yeah Ill be strong for both of us. ❤️ Thank you❤️❤️

Buat ja sis buku tu. makin lambat makin nurse marah nanti. Dierang xkan amik kisah pasal taraf perkahwinan. mostly member terdekat cerita just do for you baby sebab dierang hanya risaukan u and your baby. as long as you not under age, everythings gonna be fine. take care!😘

thank you♥️🙏 yes kena kuatkan mental juga.. hihi

certain gov clinic mmg nak marriage cert tp if awak takde cert, mereka tetap akan register kan. yg penting kesihatan ibu dan anak. mcm kwn sy, bila nurse tahu dia tiada suami, mereka diam saja dan register seperti biasa.

ramai juga suggest suruh daftar awal2.. sb takutkan kesihatan baby kan.. baiklah.. thank you♥️

VIP Member

I got divorced while 12w pregnant and going through everything alone but thankfully i got a good family support. Hopefully everything will be easy for u. Don't stress ok sis. Single mum is supermummy!

Aww.. But thats okay.. We still have our families right? Hehe❤️thank you mommy❤️

stay strong mommie and baby 😊 you are not alone. were are here to support you. I'm past 14 week now.. but still not yet register the clinic book .. hope everything will be fine bila mau register minggu ni..

i think we're on the same boat😅 lets hope us and the babys will be fine.. eat well and rest well mummy❤️

its better to go to goverment clinic if this is your 1st baby.. and if u r singel parent they usaly dont really care much bout that.. they only worry about you and your baby health.. plz go ya

Yes.. I will go.. And yes this is my 1st baby♥️

congratulations on ur pregnancy.. I hope you're doing well. Jaga makan ok. don't take too much sugar (tu doctor selalu ckp kt i takut kena diabetes ms pregnant) lot's of love 😘❤

aww 😍 thanks ☺😊

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