Check up
Hi everyone!.. Do you check up in private or government clinic for the first booking? Can we mix or just in the only one?

i go gov.its free but free also means basic. private is more detail because u pay for it. if u choose gov u can safe alot.u can mix but make sure u go for every appointment they give.if u have time then its ok.if not its just appointment is once a month for the first 27weeks if im not mistaken.unless its high risk then its 2times a month. mine was 2times a month. then 27to 34weeks its 2times a month. then 35weeks and above its every week. if u choose to give birth in private,it could cost u up to rm15k. best u go gov fpp.cheaper and standards like private.afterall if u have high risk private will ask u go to gov.u can search full payment patients on google for gov hospital.then give them a call for appointment. i read some articles says u can choose same dr for ur monthly appointment.hope this helps. fpp check ups is less than rm100.maybe around rm40 like that.not sure if detail or not but should be because u pay for it.give them a call.
Baca lagimix okey lagi.. says dari anak first smpai ank no 3 sekarang stay mix.. dari 1w smpai 20w di kk/kd dh masuk 24w terus gi private maternity hospital
mix is better..check up at kk and scan growth at private clinic..
my 1st born mix. delivered in govern hospital
government clinik.
Mummy of 2 princess