Pink Book
im currently 7 weeks pregnant. When is the earliest I can open up the 'pink book' in government clinic?

In my case, I pergi in 6 weeks then kena pergi the next weeknya sebab kena set appointment. So, better I suggest u call Klinik desa/Klinik kesihatan yang berhampiran, tanya nak buat appointment bila. Jimat masa, Jimat tenaga. Takdelah kena reject.
mine doctor suh bukak masa 8weeks... sbb 1st baby... so dia kata nk dgr jantung dlu... then baru bukak... kene tunggu minggu dpn... wehuuu... tlg doa2 kan yer agar semua selamat... n biar semua or pon selamat menjalani proses kehamilan... aminnn...
Ikut KK juga. Ada yang buka 5w kira dah lambat. Masa saya buka 8w nurse tanya kawan dia “nak terima ke?”. Huhu, nasib boleh buka sbb dia kata awal sangat, paling okayy 10w-12w baru buka😒
i open at 3weeks due to previous miscarriage. call ur nearest kk to confirm when u should open or walk in because some kk have specific day to open pink book.congrats on ur pregnancy❤
8weeks sy pegi kk nak buat buku pink, then kena halau😭.. rupekan kena book.. die soh dtg lagi 2 weeks.. now dh 10weeks, baru leh wat buku pink..
follow kk.. lain kk lain.. masa sy preg 4 weeks diorang set another appointment utk buka buku pink.. so sy buka buku pink masa 9 week of pregnancy.. hehe
Depends on KK.. Subang Jaya, the nurse ask me to come back when I reach 13 weeks and above but KK in Kuantan, 7minggu pun da boleh buka buku..
I done it when 8 weeks. Ingatkan kene book, sekali nurse bgtau, time 8 weeks tu elok la buat buku pink. Then terus buat je, no need to book date. 👌
jb here, the KK only allow us to open when we are on the 10th week of pregnancy. till then makan folic acid je, beli kat pharmachy
ada certain KK 8minggu baru mereka accept untuk buka buku. tp sy buka masa 7 mggu. mereka nak reject tp sy ada tirod so mmg kena pantau.
Awak tyhroid hyper ke hypo? Follow up thyroid pkar ke x ye? sbb sya pon kes sama n risau sgt sbb ni 1st time pregnant in 2 years
Momsy of 2 superhero prince and 1 princess