15 Replies

My helper does most of the cooking for the whole family, however, I try to cook as much as I can when time permits. We love cooking together and learning new recipes from each other. She sits with us for every meal, even if she's busy doing household work, we make sure that she takes a break to eat with us. For us, eating together is really important and she's like part of the family. Apart from my partner and I, our helper spends the most time with the kids, it'd make me very uncomfortable to make her cook a separate meal or eat alone.

My 1st maid used to drink lots of milo and choose to eat good food eg: children's fish. think it's because it's FREE. After she left, I actually told my maid on day 1 that certain food is for her and a certain food is not meant for her to eat. I even set aside her biscuits for her in the kitchen. So yes, now most of the time she eats what we eat but sometimes eats separate food in case she isn't well.

Mine usually eats what we eat but we don’t control food coz they need strength to work. If she prefer something else, she can cook herself but she won’t eat expensive stuff like seafood. Mostly bread, coffee, instant noodles , eggs

Yup she cooks for the family and eat what we eat except pork as she is a Muslim. She cooks pork-free meals for us and we enjoy her cooking very much, and if we want to eat pork dish we would cook ourselves.

she eats what we cook. unless she's like ugh imma have something else. then she cooks on her own. haha but rarely happens ah. usually she eats with us unless she really no appetite then she'll fix herself other food!

Our helpers become part of the family so they are treated as such. Everybody eats well in our household! In my experience, the more we welcome them into our home, the better care they extend to the family.

VIP Member

Our helper eats whatever we cook. we will usually keep a portion of everything for her to eat. personally i believe tt helper is still a human after all. not a slave

She eats what we asked her to cook, if any food is restricted due to religion, we don't ask her to cook nor eat in her presence n vice versa.

Yeah almost she eats what we all eat. After all she is also a human being.

VIP Member

actually.... i feel like i eat what my helper wants to eat... =p

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