does lauging gas works when you give birth naturally? like, does it feel less pain?

I only took gas halfway through my labour. Before that I did deep breathing until the contractions starts to be unbearable. Laughing gas made me sleepy, and a bit dizzy. Like you're in a blur and don't really know what's going on. But it did help me to lessen the pain but not the total pain, if you get what I mean. Still can feel the contractions but not so much but I managed to give birth with just the gas as my pain relief.
Read moreI took the gas. For me, it worked only in the beginning. I didnt feel high, but relaxed. But as the contractions became more intense, it didnt work anymore on me. In fact it made me more angry actually. My poor husb got a lotnof scolding from me haha! I didnt take epidural either. But i managed to gave birth naturally still.
Read moreI only took laughing gas but as I didn inhale properly ie have to take very deep breath when you put the mask to your face 😂, i didn get to feel the effect. So if you take laughing gas make sure you inhale properly.
No didnt work for me and by the time i couldn't take the pain and asked for epidural, it was too late😅
When using laughing gas it just makes you feel super high such that your surroundings become blur.
Didn't work for me. It made me nausea. So in the end took epidural
Not much use... end up will use epidural
Not working for me😅
To me is of no use.