When does bm stop?
Help! FTM! gave birth 3w ago.. pumped 1st week but no bm and I started eating lactation cookies.. then I have a bit of bm flowing out.. then I got lazy and have not been pumping for abt a week. Breasts doesn't feel pain unlike back then wen I just give birth. Does it mean I shld just give up hoping for bm?

If you intend to continue breastfeeding, you may try taking supplements or lactation cookies that helps with boosting milk supplies. Latch or pump regularly, try not to skip as it is a demand and supply thing. As you just gave birth, your supply has yet to regulate, so there are still chances to increase it. Drink lots of fluid (soup, red dates tea if you are still in confinement) and ensure you have proper rest. Take care and jiayou mama!
Read moreWhen you mention you have not been pumping for abt a week, did you latch baby? if not, then you have to restart the whole process of pumping or latching every 2 - 3 hrs and perhaps try lactation cookies/ supplements to boost your supply. breastfeeding is alot of hardwork and determination, you cannot just hope for bm to come
Read moreYou have to be consistent on keeping a good diet, hydrate ( drink alot of water), Either latch on or pump if you want to continue breast feeding.
You need to consistently pump for the milk to come in and stay hydrated and eat well
You can try but you must be Disclipline also to keep to a daily pump. Jiayou.
Mayb u can try lactation massage also