Dear mummies, how do your slim down after delivery? Im in my mid twenties yet i have difficulty in slimming down. Already pp going 4mths and my tum tum still looks like when i was in my 5mth pregnancy. Last week met up with husband's friend as his wife just delivered, she already slim back to her previous size and even slimmer. Ok yes, she is petite and in her size "xs" or "s" but the thing is, they kind of laughed at me being "auntie" still looked chubby. "Nvm lo, since you already married still got a child, its ok to be fat la, hahaha" ????? it is so hurting! Everyday i only eat breakfast(about 11am after settling Lo to slp) and late lunch(i ate at about 4-5pm so i will skip dinner) i do planking, jumping jacks, slow jog(30min). Nothing seem to help. My weight remains the same. I think my problem is even i do those exercise, i don really sweat or didnt even sweat at all. Any other idea that i can slim down especially my arms and tum? Thanks ?????? Please help me!!!

Hey mummy! If it helps make you feel better in any way, I'm 21 and my son is 2 years old but I still have my "pregnancy pouch". Some people lose weight with breastfeeding, but others just can't - I did lose a little weight from it, but horrible snacking and eating habits + no exercise = snowball of fat horror... I only started taking it as a serious problem when I did a body composition analysis two months ago, I'm 21 but my body age is 43 and I had A LOT of visceral fat around my organs. Was a huge wake-up call to get things changed, and I've been trying to make improvements ever since! First of all, DON'T skip any meals - it makes your body deprived of nutrients and is NOT healthy or beneficial to slimming in any way. What you should do instead is focus on eating well and staying hydrated, especially if you're breastfeeding. Before you do any exercise, it'll be good to get the okay from your gynae because some mummies have diastasis recti - a separation of stomach muscles because of pregnancy. If you do have it, abdominal exercise like planking and sit-ups will do you more harm than good! I'd like to say that you're doing a good job trying to exercise at 4 months postpartum, most mums (like me) tend to delay it :/ If slimming down is what you aim for, the instructors at the public gym told me to sweat it out before doing any stretching exercise - but always make sure you do things correctly! I'm not a fan of running so I do HIIT running instead of jogging for long periods - 1min of running, 2mins of jogging and 1-2mins of walking x 4 times = approx. 20mins :) If you're doing it at home, you can also do things like squats and side leg raises - maybe 15 times + 30 seconds rest x 4 sets. They don't seem like much but I promise they work up a lot of sweat :x If you have more time after that, then work on things that stretch and train muscles like crunches, sit-ups, planking etc. Always make sure you have the right posture and form when working out, it should be sore but NEVER hurt! Other than eating well and exercising, you'd also need to rest well - I know, it can be hard to balance everything but take your time! Don't compare yourself to other mums, and you don't have to bother about what others say - especially if they themselves don't have kids. Do it for yourself, and things will happen with resilience and determination :) All the best mummy, you're awesome already! ❤️
Read moreI think i have similar situation like u, im overweight plus size lady. After post pregnancy it was so hard to loose weight(unlike my 1st and 2nd). I shed some weight after i started to send my daughter to school, send and fetch fron mon-fri eventhou her school is quite nearby just 10 mins walk, i try to brisk walk and try to sweat as much as possible, before leaving to send my kid, i apply traditional hot lotion around my tummy(i use cling wrap to wrap around my tummy help to burn more fats ) , thighs and underarms. Since i no longer intend to get pregnant again, im all out to burn all this fats and have a healthy ideal weight😅. Btw just ignore those ppl giving such remarks🙄 just stay healthy and slowly loose some weight, All the best!
Read moreThe true is you won't lose weight or revert back to your previous weight before pregnant. Unless u get a helper , get your mum and mil to help u and u basically do nothing then pump milk or latch your kid and slp and dun feel stress or fatigue. Ya maybe u can slim down after 6 mths. If not earliest chance will be when your kid go childcare @ 18mth. So when u say abt late breakfast and late lunch I totally understand coz me and my wife is also the same situation as u. By the time u finish housework after putting your kid to nap depend how long he slp, u most likely have only 15-45mins of break.
Read moreI was struggling to lose weight after i gave birth as i gained 20++kg during my entire pregnancy. For months alot of relatives and etc had been mocking me saying i very fat all that. Like never think about my feelings. I was upset and desperate, so i took up Tremella Enzymes slimming supplements to slim down. Within months lost all my fats, and happy as ever! Im not trying to hard sell you my products.. but i started off as a consumer too, and later promoted myself as an authorised distributor. You can check out my ig if you need help @_Chelx_
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Not everyone has the same losing weight pattern as your husband’s friend wife. I’m still hanging 4-5 kg with me after I delivered my baby for 14 months and mine was csec. Haha. I can’t be bother of what other said, as long as my baby and I are healthy and happy together. Anyway, i never go for exercise, because I really no time to do so. After work, I really can’t wait to see my baby which I only do some stretching during my bonding time with my baby. For sure, I eat 3 meals on time and I can’t stand hungry. 😄
Read moreEvery body is different. Breastfeeding may cause u to weight gain if u don't watch what u eat. The equation is simple. Input vs output, net has to be output more than input. It's not how many meals u eat but what u eat. Are u still breastfeeding? If yes, don't diet, just cut back the carbs and up the protein, minimize the fat, ur body will use the fat store in ur body for milk production. Cardio and body weight exercise, Pilates. If u have money u can sign up for slimming center. I lost 7kg in 6 months
Read moreI am back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 1.5 to 2 months after delivery for both pregnancies. The trick is to ensure enough water intake; one get hungry easily when dehydrated as the body take it as sign the body is not getting enough food. I will advise you to eat your meals regularly but slowly reducing your portion and avoid empty calories like bread. Skipping meals will make your body keeping more fats (survival mode) as your brain constantly tell your body you lacks of food/energy.
Read moreI have lost all my pregnancy weight after 4th months of giving birth . And I’m now even loosing 4 more kg than pre pregnancy weight . Think is should be due to I’m breastfeeding and I’m taking care of baby with my own and not much helping hand , prolly due to lack of sleep and bz with all the housework too . Making baby sleep and carrying him up and down is like a work out session for me too ! He’s 14mths and 13kg by the way ! 🤦♀️ so imagine carrying him doing squat ...
Read more4mths pp is still earli! Some mothers r jus blessed wif higher metabolism. Dun compare. U r doing great by exercising aldy. It helps strengthen ur core. I took abt 6months to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight with breastfeeding! But still has a little baby pouch. I dun skip meals but just cut on carbs n no food after 7pm. Dun compare urself wif others. Wat matters most is how u feel n how ur husband feels. Cheer up and keep up wif ur exercises! U r doing great!
Read moreBreastfeeding helps - but if you're breastfeeding, don't starve yourself as you need the nutrients to provide milk for your baby. If you're not breastfeeding, be patient. Your body is still adjusting, hormones are still going haywire. In time you'll bounce back to your pre-pregnancy body. But in the meantime, just think about portions when you eat - eat enough to give you the nutrients your body needs.
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