Dear mummies, how do your slim down after delivery? Im in my mid twenties yet i have difficulty in slimming down. Already pp going 4mths and my tum tum still looks like when i was in my 5mth pregnancy. Last week met up with husband's friend as his wife just delivered, she already slim back to her previous size and even slimmer. Ok yes, she is petite and in her size "xs" or "s" but the thing is, they kind of laughed at me being "auntie" still looked chubby. "Nvm lo, since you already married still got a child, its ok to be fat la, hahaha" ????? it is so hurting! Everyday i only eat breakfast(about 11am after settling Lo to slp) and late lunch(i ate at about 4-5pm so i will skip dinner) i do planking, jumping jacks, slow jog(30min). Nothing seem to help. My weight remains the same. I think my problem is even i do those exercise, i don really sweat or didnt even sweat at all. Any other idea that i can slim down especially my arms and tum? Thanks ?????? Please help me!!!

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I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 1.5 to 2 months after delivery for both pregnancies. The trick is to ensure enough water intake; one get hungry easily when dehydrated as the body take it as sign the body is not getting enough food. I will advise you to eat your meals regularly but slowly reducing your portion and avoid empty calories like bread. Skipping meals will make your body keeping more fats (survival mode) as your brain constantly tell your body you lacks of food/energy.

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