What is considered speech delayed for a 3 year old?

Hello parents, i understand that different children grows at a different pace and i hate being the type of parent that puts unnecessary pressure on my child but also i dont want to be late in getting the help that my child needs (if she does) Can any parents relate?☹️ Anyways, my child can understand and execute instructions well. The only thing is i think her vocabulary is quite limited or she needs help with enunciation? She does speak but 60% of the time its babbling and the other 40% are words only i as a mother can understand 😂 i do see improvement day by day even though its slight. I would say that she can say a bunch of singular words now and she is trying to construct sentences (eg: ' i go outside', 'ok i go sleep now'). She is starting school soon and im super worried that noone can understand her in school. I guess im just a worried mum at this point, but going back to the qn at hand, what do yall think is considered speech delayed at 3? I feel like my daughter is doing ok, just needs a little help but my fam/relatives kept asking 'wah she still dont know how to talk properly' or 'did you brought her to a speech therapist already'. She is my first baby so im kinda lost and dont know if im doing this parenting thing right ☹️

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i was so concerned that my child could not speak at all except babble at 3yo. tho the nurse at polyclinic reassured me, i still requested for speech therapist referral. my child finally speaking ard 4yo & is so chatty since then so i cancelled the appt.

7mo ago

hi , mummy .. can i ask ..? how is ur child's speech now ..? im actlly planning to set an appt to polyclinic to get a referral to CDU for my 1st's speech ... she's turning 4yo this oct .. ever since she stepped into N2 , ive seen improvements tho its 2 to 3-words sentences .. yet im in the same situation with the writer above .. im afraid that i might be putting pressure on her but i know what im planning is all for her own benefits too ...

You can try to read more books to her, personally I think go school will help in her speak as well. If still no improvement, you might need to send her for therapist.

has she been assessed by a speech therapist?

2y ago

we were referred to a specialist in KKH who after the assessment said that she seems ok and encouraged us to let her start going to sch and start socializing w peers her age thats all. but no, so far no assessment done by any speech therapist :(