Ask the Expert Series: Breastfeeding
Start asking away, if you have questions all about breastfeeding, as our expert Dr Tan Yia Swam will be answering your questions on breastfeeding ??

Good evening fellow mummies! Dr Tan YS here, just a brief intro; I'm a general surgeon accredited with the Singapore Medical Council, and sub-specialise in Breast Surgery. My practice involves looking after women with breast lumps- such a fibroadenomas, cancers; and also in assisting mummies with breastfeeding complications. I work closely with Thomson Parentcraft Centre, which has the largest team of lactation consultants in private. My main practice is at Thomson Breast Centre. I'm also a mummy of three, and with each child, my BF journey got smoother and smoother. The first one was difficult :) Let's try to answer some common Qn tonight!
Read moreHi, i gave birth 2 weeks ago and have trounle latching my bbg. I have short and inverted nipples. Pumping prior to latching does not seem to help, so does nipple shields. If i try and DL her, she ends up biting on the nipples and getting very frustrated. What can i do to be able to breast feed my bb instead of exclusively pumping?
Read moreThere is Nipple Puller.. helps with inverted nipples. Probably u can try.
I only latch my baby almost 2 months now on my left breast. My right breast is too huge for baby to latch on properly and my nipple always become sore & painful. I have tried various positioning but nothing works. Does the supply gets low on 1 side if i dun pump or latch as frequently?
Yes- reduced stimulation will decrease supply. Consider calling Thomson ParentCraft Centre at 6251 4090 to make an appointment with a lactation consultant for more indepth advice: I'm wondering if you may improve the latch, or nipple soreness with an adjunct eg nipple shield?
My LO is sleeping longer hours at night now and wakes up only once to direct latch, but I have to pump to clear the milk otherwise I’ll end up with blocked ducts in the morning. Is it possible to reduce the supply of milk at night without affecting day time supply?
Yes it is. Everytime LO changes feeding pattern, it takes a few days for body to adjust. So, if he's sleeping through the night, you should still wake up to pump/hand express as per previous schedule, but not completely empty it. Just enough for comfort, and then let him latch longer at next feed. Hope this advice helps!
My baby is 5.5 months and she bites now when she latches. I have been exclusively latching since she is born. I don’t know how to make her stop. I still want to latch her but the thought of her biting me is deterring me a little. What should I do?
This is common problem, partly related to teething as well! May I refer you to this excellent resource: It helped me a lot when I was a first time mummy :)
Is it true that breast milk nutritions vary from time to time according to baby needs? Example. Breast milk at fifth month pp contain more calcium compared to months before because five month old baby needs more calcium
Thank you very much
I was given a strong painkiller called Arcoxia when I had my tooth removed. Can I still breastfeed? If not, how long would it take for the drug leave my system before I can give breastmilk to my baby again?
Arcoxia is one of the "newer" types of anti-inflammatory medications. While there is no proof that it is harmful, most docs familiar with babies and breastfeeding would avoid using it. It's difficult, but consider to pump & dump! Once you stop taking Arcoxia, the amount in your blood stream should be low and safe enough, by second day to resume BF. Do check out this full drug advisory for details: (Section 4.6)
Hi Dr, breastfed into my 15 MTHS, supply begin to drop but baby rejected all brands of FM, what other methods can I do to transit my baby. Any ways to increase my supply? Thanks!
Hi dr tan, I heard from my mother and many other friends that they are unable to BF due to inverted nipples. I have inverted nipples too, what are the chances?
Hi Doctor, My 1 week baby is unable to latch on to my breast. Whenever he tries its very painful. He just chews my nipples for milk. Jow can I help him latch properly?
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