Ask the Expert: Ideas to keep your kids engage this May holidays
As the May holidays have begun, are you looking for ways to keep the kids busy? ? We got you covered with an Ask the Expert Session, as we have Amutha Saravanan: Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder of Da Vinci Group and KlayKit®. She will be answering all your questions on ways to keep your kids engage during this May holidays! So start asking those burning questions you have for her ? Topic: Keeping your children engaged amidst this uncertain COVID-19 period Date: Thursday, 14 May 2020 Time: 8.30 to 9.30pm

How do I help the kids build up some tolerance for boredom and coming up with things to do for themselves, without having things programmed for them all the time.
What can be some of the activities that keep my kids engaged and also learn something while I work :)
Hi there! I have had many parents say that digital videos paired with a sensorial element can effectively keep children working for an hour or so. You can try out our digital lessons paired with our KlayKit product at You however do have to be mindful of the age of your child. So how old is your child? The independently being engaged idea can be cultivated for children from 5 years old onwards. With something highly sensorial like the KlayKit, this can work from 4 years old onwards.
What is the KlayKit ® and how is it going to help me during this stay-at-home period?
it would be great if we can know some quick clay items that kids can create and play with :)
Hi there! Thanks for your question. If you look at our KlayKit YouTube channel, there are many clay creation ideas as free content. The link is this: You can also join the group KlayKit Digital Learning Enthusiasts in Facebook. We do regular Facebook Live sessions there for clay creations. I usually host this with my 6 year old boy. :) Common things can be keychains, paperweights, pinch pots, etc. Hope this helps! :)
Hi Amutha! Great to see you here. My kid is 4. How do I keep her entertained by herself?
What is the KlayKit ® and how is it going to help me during this stay-at-home period?
It has various permutations of clay, tools, paints, guides, videos and so on in the box for an engaging and meaningful session of learning. You can find out more here:
How can I get a KlayKit® now and for what aged children is it suitable?
Hi there! You can get the KlayKit at The vast majority of products on the site are applicable for children between 4 years and 12 years old. With parental supervision and involvement, children from 18 months to 3 years old can also have fun. :)
How do I meaningfully interact with my child while having fun as well?
Hello there! This has a lot to do with the activity you choose to do together. Make sure that your suggestion of activity is fun for you as well and that it challenges you in some way like learning something new or physically challenging. These sorts of activities help you as an adult be engaged and when your child sees you liking this, they are motivated to enjoy it too. Creating an obstacle course in your house is one idea, having a drawing competition is another, or if visual arts is your thing, you can create something with clay as well - you can pick up something at :)
My child gets distracted easily. What can i do to help her stay focus?
Hello! Firstly, how old is your child? Age has impact on length of attention and concentration. If you can alternate between 15 mins of activity time and 5 mins of rest time to begin with, you can build on attention span. Try working on building attention span over 3 weeks to see any improvements by a few mins. Slow and steady wins the race. :) I've written an article on this and you can download it for free here: Hope this helps!
My kid gets bored easily. What are some ways to keep him engaged?
Hi there! Thanks for your question. So I would start by extending his attention span to begin with. So i will start with something he is very interested in and every time he comes back claiming he is bored, I will add another dimension to it. For e.g. if he really likes lego, ill give him an exercise to draw something out first that he can build. The key is to build on his attention span, so work for where he is at, say 15 mins, and then try to extend it by 5 mins every few days. You want to always break down a big task into smaller bite-size steps. Also of interest is how old is he? This may work for children from 4 years old onwards (still a bit of a stretch) but not younger than that. Hope this was helpful!
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