5 Replies

In my opinion, sounds like LO Is getting too much foremilk. do u express your bm at all or are you directly latching him only? Maybe you could try to pump out the bm for the first 20ml and then let your LO latch on after that? Do that 1 to 2 times to see if the colour of his poop changes? It happened to me too. I only started pumping after 3months. When I pump and store ebm in fridge, I could see the huge difference when the fats separate. First bottle could be so 'diluted'-looking whilst the hindmilk is very "creamy". And some days I get more foremilk and some days less! So don't stress yourself up mommy! Try my suggestion to express out some foremilk first and then DL him. All the best :)

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My baby also have green poo and I've checked with the pd, green poo is because of too much iron that can't be processed in the baby stomach. It's alright not to worry.

thanks. but every poo of his is green..it used to be yellow..furthermore I didn't. consume any iron supplement nor food high in iron..:(

Don't worry too much. Why don't you try to pump out the milk. As then the milk will be more visible. Otherwise yup trying probiotic is a good option.

Did u give probiotics? The moment my boy go on probiotics his poo turns green n even when I stop his poo never return to yellow

yes I gave him biogiaia..u gave ur boy this too?

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