I'm very worried now. For the past few days my lo going 5 months doesn't seem to be getting much milk though she latches and unlatched when she's done. I worried that I'm not having let downs and no milk. She has much lesser wet diapers. Even for 8hrs the diapers are barely wet.perhaps jus one time pee though she nursed twice. I feel that I'm not doing good enough or well enough and I'm getting depress already. I'm mentally and physically exhausted having to go thru these - nurse and check diaper nurse and check diaper. Baby seem to have lost weight too from the looks of it and by weighing him thru carrying. Bringing him to the pd tomorrow and I feel that I'm not good enough to cause my baby to lose weight. Ps: he seem contented after feed and doesn't want to latch anymore. I'm feeling so lost right now. Sough LC advice but someone I got ignored.

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Don't be stressed out mummy, the only way is to bring to a PD to see if baby did lost some weight. Have you tried to check for tounge lip tie? I have a friend whose son is able to latch but don't seem to be able to extract milk well, after seeing mdm uma, the answer was lip tie. So after the mini procedure, baby is doing well with latching and drinking milk. Don't be stressed. See a PD first follow by seeing mdm uma if u want to continue with breastfeeding.

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7y ago

but is 5mth too old to get the lip tie treated? he was checked by one of the LC from mother and child before and no lip tie as at that time...

Hey dear, sometimes babies lose weight not because of insufficient milk. You did the right thing by bringing him to the pd tomorrow. Let them check and hear them out. Do not beat yourself up.