5 Replies

can try to let baby sleep with white noise. if baby is too used to super quiet environment, baby may be more distracted next time. if baby keeps waking up crying, check if he/she is hungry or uncomfortable? if baby can be patted/rocked back to sleep (assuming your baby is quite young like before 4M here), then it should be okay. you can slowly sleep train at later stage. we never sleep train btw, and let our child figure things out himself.

How old is your baby? If below 4 months then I don’t think should sleep train.. and as what others say can try swaddle and white noise! To reduce the startle reflex

how old is your baby? if in a newborn phase, try swaddling or get a husk pillow. it helps for mine.

How okd is your baby? Swaddled tight, beansprout pillow, white noise.


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