5 Replies

Hi there. I think that your baby suffers from a severe lack of sleep - and because he does not have a nice Long stretch of sleep for the night part, it causes him to nap often and have late naps. I read before that a 3 hr bloc k of sleep can help reset teh pattern - so strive to put the baby to sleep and to stay asleep for about 3 hrs - even if it requires rocking etc. Put baby to sleep every 2.5hrs for a nap - caz when stretch too Long, they are too tired to sleep. But sleep is a sophisticated thing. I strugglesd a to when trying to get mine to have good naps at that age. So just try ur best to have 2-3 naps. If it is on late in the evening then i think u should just consider getting m to sleep the main sleep already and not nap. Babies definitely shold not be sleeping at 11 or 12 or 1. But mine did for a while. There are certain times baby go through growth spurt and sleep regression and sleeping patterns can get messed up. Just keep trying to help them have a routine and reset the routine when it is messed up. Jiayou mummy. It's tough. My boy was like that for a few weeks too!

if he has eyebags, it shows that he is having insufficient sleep. Limit his nap to a shorter nap (1hr) For the second nap, limit to 45mins. So he won't be too energetic for his bedtime. 11pm is too late. I always start my bedtime routine at 7pm

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you have to twitch his sleeping time a little. 7-8pm waking up is way too late. Usually it's almost bedtime for mine. Try to wake him up from his sleep the evening one. probably give him a 45mins time for the second one

A good routine helps to eliminate many problems. We need to constantly ensure our mental and physical health are in a good state. That includes having eye bags at such a young age.

Waking up at 8-10am is too late. He is also sleeping too late. At 5 months old he should be in bed by 7.30pm and awake by 7am.

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