if tummy upset also like that. my baby got colic. every night my baby can't sleep until I change bottle to anti colic( my baby fully fm), give baby colic drops @ dentinox ( more effective than gripe water) and massage his tummy with i love u massage with tasneem trub and minyak telon. slowly it improves
try pasang pasang white noise, or bagi puting or letak dalam buai Kalo sis free boleh join grup telegram mama tuk kita kongsi ilmu n sembang santai https://t.me/joinchat/DIffEhlzgLOKNmheSmHyug
Cuba ubah posisi dia baring tu, mengiring ke, meniarap ke.. Mungkin x selesa. Sabar ye mummy.
sis cuba try teknik cuddle cure..saya cuba utk baby saya menjadi..
Mika ♥️