cough badly
my baby got blocked nose and recentky he just got cough last two days...his coughs are there any parents have go through the same problem?what your action?i already brought him to clinic n the doctor gave us salt water spray..have anyone use it for 2months old baby?coz my mil dsagree when we use it..

Like myself, i guna salt water spray and sedut hingus baby, bought it at shopee. Sgt bagus, use salt water frst then sedut the excess dkt hidung. Klau baby nangis lg bagus, lg byk blh sedut dkt hidung baby. No worries it is safe to use dr nb smpai besar. Then i bought minyak asmak sapu dkt dada, also can buy at shopee. Sometimes i mix it with minyak telon i sapu everytime lepas mandi or masa kembung perut. It relief the breathing. My mil used it for quite sometime because of her asthma and it works. U try ok
Baca lagiit's happen to my baby when she turns 4 months. obviously we can hear something heavy the way she breathing. but b4 that she had fever & flu for a week, i refer to the specialist and , once the doc notice my baby have fever & flu more than 3 days, he didnt wait, do lung xray and found out it was lung infection,warded for 1 weeks. i advice u, better dont wait and get advice from the specialist itself.
Baca lagisuami puan merokok? jika ya minta dia mandi tukar baju gosok gigi sebelum pegang anak. jika tidak sampai bila2 anak takkan sembuh. letak lah ubat apa pun takkan baik. sebab bayi tak tahan dengan asap rokok
my baby 2months haritu pun batuk n sumbat hidung. that nasal spray sgt membantu, u spray then u sedut hingus dia. dalam 2 days macamtu blocked nose dah clear. batuk pun hilang soon after. dont worry salt water tu okay.
No worries its not harmful to use the nasal spray.. As my son also used it when he was 3m.. If ur son takes too long to recover, better do neb to loosen the phlegm..
tq mommies for your help and susah btol nk spray nasal die...this morning i spray but terkena mata die😭..xpe kn?ke should i spray while he sleeping?🤔
salt water very safe to use.normally dr recommend this product for nose block,btw,,just bring your baby to see child specialist.
Try ka c hidu dia bawang putih sis.. Pasal i always saw my aunt doing do same things to her sons klu kna selesema
cuba guna baby balm. or any traditional remedy for cough. tinggilan sedikit kepala bby klu baring.
sis. saya pernah Cuba cf-rub tasneem... mungkin ia dpt membantu
sya pun guna balm noe. sgt membantu cairkan kahak bby klu batuk.
Mumsy of 1 bouncy cub