Baby with Cough and Phlgem

My baby is having a cough and phlgem and already tried so many so called cream but none of it effective. I did brought baby to clinic hoping that they will nebulizer him but unfortunately it is not suitable for baby below 2yrs except the baby is in critical condition so the doctor just gave me a bottle of medicine.. but i only gave it for 2 times to babies, and the cough getting worst then i stop. i continued with homemade remedy and still the same.. what can i do to make it better because it is really irritate my baby especially on his bedtime..

2 Balas
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Tulis jawapan

Can try this home remedy, cut onion and place it in ur bedroom. Or place the cut onion on bb foot then wear sock.

5y ago

hi mom i did try yr suggestion.. i cut an onion and put it in our room but my husband put it outside. he said the smell is bad.. im not sure what the hell is he thinking because i did that for our baby... so annoying!!!!!!

Try using Tasneem balm. very suitable and recommended. My baby had experienced it before.

5y ago

orait sis. 😊 hopefully baby cpat sembuh. 🙏🙏