11 Replies
How old is baby? Sleeping less could be related to growing older so technically, baby will need less sleep. Crying after eating - gotta assess if it’s cos of tummy issues. Sometimes babies get reflux or other gastrointestinal issues. I suggest going to a paediatrician and check it out to get a peace of mind.
Probably due to gas in stomach. You have to burp your baby or keep him in upright position for at least 20/30 mins. My LO cried every night due to gassy stomach.
Could be colic or reflux or both at this age(3 weeks). Seek advises and the right diagnosis from your PD.
Could be just a phase but maybe you can bring your baby to the pd for a better diagnosis.
Did you burp your baby after the feed? Might be the reflux making baby uncomfortable.
Try to give another burp. Probably feels a little gassy. If persists consult a doc
Hi... maybe your baby is unwell. Better to bring LO to see a doctor
Sounds normal. If it persists, take her/him to the doctor.
Is it tummy wind? try apply some ointment.
How old is baby? Is it teething?