How to get nb to sleep
My baby is 20 days old and for the past 2 weeks, he doesn't sleep after his milk even though it is already the maximum amount we can give him..he likes to be carried in the arm and fall asleep..once he is placed back to his cot, he make noise again. Mummies how do u deal with this? However for the first week he is always sleeping after his milk.

My baby used to be like this too. So for the baby's sake, i let them sleep soundly on my chest while i sleep lightly while sitting down. (May not be the best position, super tired!) This went on for like 2 mths. Then suddenly she's very independent, wanna sleep thru side lying and want all the space. However at 4 mths, shes back to her 1mth self where she needs us (parents) to cuddle her back to sleep. Guess hv to go thru their phase with an open mind. 🤪
Read moreIt’s normal. Babies feel very insecure and likes to be cuddled and hugged. That way, they can listen to your heartbeat and remind them of the time in the tummy. You can try swaddling (snuggly), turn on white noise and keep the room/environment cool.
Thanks mummy!
My NB doesn't sleep much in the day too during confinement period. Every baby is diff. And they wants to be cuddle. I used to worry also. But seems some mummies out there aslo have the same issue
In the morning, I will put my LO to the rocker to sleep. At night in the cot. And if she cries, I will carry her till she fall back to sleep. And putting her down to the cot is like putting a 💣
My night mare 😅 carry all the way. My child don't let me to sit somemore. All the way until he is 4months. Sometimes he wants pat to sleep
If I recall, there is a growth spurt. Perhaps you can try cuddling baby more or read to him and play with him when he is awake?
Do you have those beansprout pillows? It can be placed on the chest to make baby feel more secure i guess.
Ok thanks mummy!
My baby was like that too. Have to carry her to sleep
Have u tried swaddle? It may help a bit
Maybe try playing some white noise?
Ok thanks mummy!
Mama to a boss baby