4 Replies

If yourself or family member do not have asthma history, it is unlikely that your child will have asthma. Most children with asthma have symptoms before they turn 5. In very young children, it may be hard for parents, and even doctors, to recognize that the symptoms are due to asthma. Common symptoms include: -Coughing, especially at night -A wheezing or whistling sound, especially when breathing out -Trouble breathing or fast breathing that causes the skin around the ribs or neck to pull in tightly -Frequent colds that settle in the chest http://acaai.org/asthma/who-has-asthma/children

Childrens, those having asthma develop their first symptoms before the age of 5 yrs. However, asthma in young children can be hard to diagnose. Symptoms & Signs: 1.Coughing 2.Wheezing 3.Dysfunctional breathing 4.Chest tightness.

Asthma can happen at any age but mostly kids show signs by the age of 5 - 6. Most common symptoms include prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, chest congestion, poor endurance etc
