What is the most important lesson in life that you want to teach your child?

The most important lesson in life that I want to teach my child is for him to stay grounded and humble. He must always go back to his humble beginnings because that's where his father started. I want to teach him how to help people, to be a blessing to others because he is also blessed.
To always be humble. No matter how successful or how high he has gotten in life, he or she should always be humble because success can easily be taken away. It's great character and humility that will make a measure of a good person.
To always work hard for his or her dreams and to never let anyone tell them no. I've had plenty of people telling me "no" to what I want to do in my life and letting people plan my path, I wouldn't want that for my children.
I will teach my children to be kind and humble. I want to learn that having a good name is always better than money. And most of all to place their faith in God and always do the right thing.
I'd teach my kid to be confident and humble at the same time. Confidence in herself would help her face difficult situations while humility will help her stay grounded and connected to people.
To my lo, Dream what you want to dream, Be what you want to be, Go where you want to go, Because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.♥️
Read moreThat she should believe in herself and to avoid people-pleasing attitude to be happy. And that to have money will only be a tool for happiness if you have someone to share to.
I will teach my child to put God first in his life, to be upright in everything his doing because there's always a consequences in every of our actions.
To respect and see the good in every person low life or rich. Homeless or not. Ex convict or what. I want them to treat people in the same way and in a good way.
To have courage and be kind just like what Cinderella's mom told her. If i may add to that, to love God with all your heart, your mind, soul and strength.