underweight bay
My baby was born premature and underweight... Now they are 4 months old. Is it true that babies who are underweight at birth are more likely to get sick as they grow up? I feel sad and don’t want that to happen to my child.
Don’t be stressed about it and let it affect your mood, give the best care to your baby and enjoy the time of them growing up. As long as baby is drinking well and developing well as per the milestone guidelines, should be ok. Sometimes, environment plays a part too as baby nostrils are small and will be sensitive to the surroundings. Also, if your baby is attending infant care, chances of getting sick is higher.
Read moreNot true that underweight babies will fall sick more often. For the first 6 months breast milk or formula milk is sufficient to build their immunity. Once they can start on solid food you will be able to further enhance their immunity through fruits and vegetables
I think partly because theyre born premature so theyre so called “under developed”. Can offer probiotics
not neccesarily true