Stretch Marks Cream
Assalamualaikum hi mommy2 🥰 Nak tanya, mommy2 ada experience guna stretch marks cream cocoa butter ni tak? Okay tak? Boleh apply direct kat perut ke? Tgh survey2 tapi risau ada effect kat baby ke apa. Harap sgt mommy2 boleh bantu jawab persoalan sy ni 😣

Wasalam sis. Actually stretch mark ni depends on individual. Saya gigih sapu cocoa butter nih the moment I got to know that I was pregnant. Mase tuh cam baru 2 weeks. I am very disciplined person - so I rub this thing from day one till I was about to deliver my LO. So everyday I sapu, one day cocoa butter and malam bio oil. Kegigihan , pagi dan malam. Tapi..... Sebab kenaikan berat yang mendadak, 20kg begitulah keadaan perut Saya. Penuh stretch marks. It’s more obvious mase I was 8 months pregnant. Earlier, not even 1 single line. All smooth but when I hit the month of 8- you can see all the lines. So it depends on individual. My other friend, sapu pun x, ape pun xbuat, not a single line. Elok je perut die. Yang ada hanyalah c-sect mark. You can try. Will not harm your baby. Sapu je but don’t put high hope. Nanti kecewa cam Saya. Hahahaha
Baca lagisy pakai ni mmg elok. stretch mark maybe akn ada cuma ni utk kurangkan. sbb nt perut makin mmbesar akn jadi gatal. bila garu lg bnyk stretch mark so solution dia sapu je lotion ni. sy sapu setiap malam and so far okay je alhamdulillah
saya apply dari awal lepas tahu mengandung hingga skrg, alhamdulillah setakat takde strect mark,skrg dah 33weeks 4days, boleh ikhtiar guna ni🙂👍
boleh je yg ni . slalu tgk org share pki ni time pregnant .. mmg elok apply dr awal kehamilan utk kurangkan stretchmark nnti 🙂
Thank youu
bgi sye mcm x mmbantu untk hilang. cme mmbntu untk lmbutkan kulit je. xde lah rse gatal. sbb garu la akn jdi lbih bnyk.
Sama ja. Sy guna start kandungan 8 weeks. Tetap ada selulit.
alhamdullillah dah guna.. bagus tiada side effect..
okay sis..selamat je pakai 😊
a devoted mother