Breastfed babies do not get overfed! They will continue to take in milk until they've had enough or they may continue to suckle for comfort. When suckling for comfort they don't take in milk so a pacifier is also not necessary. It may create an extra problem if you have nipple confusion. Babies will know when to stop. My baby used to be like that. She would keep drinking and drinking until she spat out (vomitted a couple of times). We got so scared of constantly feeding her but feeding her was the only way to pacify her. It could be a growth spurt that occurs around week 3. Do ease her bloated tummy by applying ruyi oil in a upside down v motion and bicycle leg exercise. Then turn her over on your thighs, one thigh supporting her chest the other on her hip, pat her back and massage downwards. You should hear some farts coming. The spit up could also be due to this wind in her stomach. Burp regularly between feeds (when you switch breasts) or more often if required. They usually outgrow the spit ups. Mine cleared around 2 months.
Ur baby is comfort latching. Consider giving pacifier - it will save ur sanity. Don't worry abt nipple confusion because it won't happen(they will know which gives milk and which doesn't). Next time some children gradulllh outgrow it themselves or u just stop giving to them when older Btw, ur baby sounds like also in a growth spurt phase. There is one at 2-3 wks and again at 4-6 wks and at 3 months and so on and so forth. During such time they will be more fussy and may want more comfort latching
He has associated feeding with sleep. Sounds like he is comfort feeding. Have you tried offering him alternatives such as a pacifier or teething blankie. Spit ups are normal, burping will help. At 2 weeks old, there is nothing much which can be done. Be patient, baby will outgrow it. I promise! Jia you!
Babies require non nutritive sucking to feel comforted. Your friend could try a pacifier if you are sure that baby is full. Babies may spit up milk as their stomachs are still very small. Your friend could try burping her LO in the middle of each feed.
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Do not overfeed baby as this is will cause tummy pain due to bloatness. Try to comfort him by carrying him.