💔 Heartbreak

Hello, my newborn just got discharge from NICU. from the day he was born, he has been fed formula milk as we are not able to see each other and i couldn’t hand expressed my milk so soon. overtime, after massaging and hand expressing , and pumping? i managed to have some milk supply. right after his discharge, i straight away allowed him to latch on to me everytime it’s his milk time, however i realised that everytime he breastfeeds, he poos and it is very watery, he also passes gas alot and seems to have an upset tummy to an extent then he fusses and couldnt sleep seems like he has diarrhea adter drinking my breast milk i feel so helpless because that’s my only milk supply for him and i feel like such a bad mom giving my son my milk only to have him follow up with an upset tummy after:(

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Super Mum

Hi mama, My heart goes out to you…kudos to you for being so strong and persisting with your breastfeeding journey. If I may suggest, try to latch directly for the time being and if you do pump, pump and store. As a mama here has mentioned, your baby’s tummy and digestive system may be adjusting to your breastmilk at present. Also, when bottle feeding, baby tends to get a lot more milk then they need because the flow of the milk through a teat is much faster than when at the breast - hence there is a chance of over feeding. Latching and having skin to skin contact (your bare skin on baby’s with no barrier or clothing separating the two of you) will not only help regulate and maintain a good breastmilk supply but also, form a strong breastfeeding bond + relationship between you and baby. Drink lots (walk around with a tall water bottle), eat well, enjoy the breastfeeding moments while you bond. When you need some down time, put on a good Netflix show. Baby loves you for being his mama - he doesn’t need a perfect mum (there’s no such thing anyway :) You’re not a bad mum - in fact I think you’re amazing and strong! You’ve got all of us rooting for you! Stay fabulous mama, you’ve got this!!! I believe in you!!!

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Hello! My baby was from the NICU too and he's a mix feed baby till today, 8 mths later. I cannot latch my baby the first 2 days as he needed to be administered with antibiotics so wires around him but I was allowed to do so on the 2nd day. Normal for milk to not come in yet after birth but your colostrum should be. I only had a Haakaa pump at that time cos I wasn't sure if I was able to breastfeed my baby or not. Note, that I've not able to breastfeed my kids before due to very low supply and wrong way of latches that resulted in painful nipples. Over time, I bought a better electrical pump and pump 2 hourly but I latch baby first before I do that as what my baby's PD told me. And he had watery stools until about 5 mths old before he started solid. I did voiced out to his PD and he reassured me that it's normal for breastfed baby to have watery stools. So don't worry mummy! Your baby is ok! As long as his stools are pigmented in colour and not pale like white or grey, you don't have to worry. You're doing very great already! ☺️

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VIP Member

Hallo Mom, hug you tight ❤️ i feel your feeling how 💔 when see our baby hospitalized cause my daughter also hospitalized for her jaundice..but good to hear that finally you’re with your baby.. you’re not bad mom..there isn’t school for being good mom but we are trying to be good mom although sometimes our expectation doesn’t same as reality..please don’t let that feeling make you down..your baby needs happy mother..❤️ you’re great mom for him cause you think about him and do lots of effort to fulfill his need.. For watery 💩, your baby is still adjust to receive your breastmilk..as long as you feed him every 2-3 hours and hydrate for him, should be okay..hope you could avoid spicy or sour cause what we eat, our baby also eat from breastmilk.. For upset tummy, you could apply a bit warm oil and carry him cause he need your cuddle to make him safe and warm..Hang on, mommy!Stay healthy, happy and positive ❤️

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