Anyone was induced at wk40? Did you end up csect? My gynae recommended me to be induced next Monday which is exactly wk40. But my mom keeps on asking me to wait.

If doctor recommends induction, it means the baby size may be a little big. Going for induction will have higher chance of natural delivery. Otherwise if waiting for natural contractions to come, u may need to wait for another 1 to few weeks. By then it’s not easy to have normal delivery and doctor may have to go for c-section.
Read moreya i was induced and the Gayne was right baby quite big dilated only 2cm in 10 hours
I induced on week 40+1 which I have appt on that day. I still deliver naturally.
I was induced at almost 42wks .but natural birth .
See another gynae for advise
Listen to e doc
Have the same dilemma. Am due next wk too. wanted to wait till baby is ready but gynae mentioned the risks are higher thn benefits if i wait. 😣