Induce or C section?
Hi All, My bb scan estimated weigh around 3.5kg at week37+5 and my gynea told me that mine quite big. Ask me to reconsider on my birth plan -natural and induced is not 100%. Some frenz of mine told me my gynea trying to smoke me due to his own convenience and ask me to induce. And the estimated weight alway less when bb pop. BUT i also seen cases like bb estimated wt 3.5kg and induced fail... their mom still end up to e c-sect. Confuse me....😏should i go for induced or as my gynae recommended?

My gynae advised me to wait till 39th wk to decide induction or c-sect as he said baby's lungs wld be better developed by then. I tried everything frm walking alot, squatting, breast stimulation etc to dilate but still 0cm. Gynae gave the option to induce but he also told us of the risk tt there is chance it'll fail cz my baby was still high up, being a petite mom, it cld perhaps also be tt my birth canal is small. So at my last appt at 39th wk, we decided to do a csect as my hub and I don't want to risk baby's shoulder dislocation or using vaccum or forceps. And it was a blessing in disguise as upon birth, we saw tt baby's cord was wrapped ard his neck, not so tightly but cld have cause complications if I still gave birth naturally. It cldn't be seen on ultrasound. So, u may want to discuss with ur gynae again. Different moms have different situations. I don't think ur gynae wld suggest tt out of convenience. Oh btw my baby was 3.8kg.
Read moreTo me best is to induce cause mine when the contraction come i really couldn't take the pain as i ended up in the hospital even though my due date is just 2 to 3 days left and the next day morning my baby pop out at 4 kg cause the doctor recommend me to break my water bag so ya 😅
Hi u should follow gynae advise. I have a few mummy friend induce at week 37 as doc estimated 3.5kg. came out bb 3.7kg. should she hold till week 40, bb will be 4kg. and will be difficult for natural birth. so I would always follow professional advise rather than friends. :)
Short or tall, labour is truly painful . I am 177cms and yet my labour was 20hours after induced and epidural also it was a traumatic delivery with a baby of 4kgs and took a long time to recover, Follow your gynae advice she knows your body better than we think.
All the best dear
I induced cos my gynae told me my baby head is big. Estimated weight was 3kg, actual birth weight was 3.7kg. I would say luckily i induced if not might have to csec alr.
My gfs tell me that weight could have a +-300g error. So ur bb could be bigger irl. For me i would have opt for c-sec as im quite petite.
i would trust the Gynea.. if in doubt can get 2nd option from another gynea
follow gynae recommendations and trust their professional advice
Gynaes are the experts for a reason, are your friends experts?
if bb too big, will need c sec
Excited to become a mum