21 Replies
Immediate family I told them when I found out at 4 weeks. Other people I told them after first trimester. But it's more of a superstition. For me I wait to tell the other as the first trimester is usually very fragile and if anything bad were to happen, I didn't want to have to explain to them. Haha
I told my mum in my 8 weeks, right after my pregnancy was confirmed by the doc. At least i know if anything happens in my pregnancy, my mum knows what i am going through and can support me.
I told my mom n mil once i found out on week 6... My close colleague notice cause they saw i brought the test kit ...
I told my close friends, and my mum only when 8 weeks when heartbeat is confirmed. Go ahead and share the joy!
I told my parents and sister when i know I’m pregnant :) It’s fine, go ahead and share the joy!
I tell my immediate family when I confirm the news. Friends and the rest is when I passed 3 months
Told my mum the moment the doc confirmed i’m pregnant... told my in-laws a bit later though.
I tell my family in less than 3 months but only to Friends after 3 months. Congratulations!
After first trimester. It’s better as the baby development is more or less stabilized.
I think immediate family is okie. for friends, cousins, etc I'll wait for 3 months