I was reading through the various articles (posted on the various hospital websites) on whether to stop breastfeeding for babies with newborn jaundice: https://www.nuh.com.sg/ktp-nucmi/clinical-care/disease-and-conditions/kidney-liver-problems/jaundice-newborn.html https://www.singhealth.com.sg/PatientCare/ConditionsAndTreatments/Pages/Jaundice-Baby.aspx http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/childrenhealth/Pages/Jaundice-in-Newborn-Babies-and-Children.aspx All recommended that a mother continue to breastfeed her baby. Another point worth noting is that, to date, there had been not been any known harmful effect found in babies who continued to be breastfed while having jaundice. Also, have not heard of consuming red dates being related to increasing bilirubin level in babies. Maybe can find out more from the polyclinic doctor the explanation behind it.
my baby had breastfeeding jaundice which lasted up to 3mths after birth. mine was in the slightly high range and we had to do 1 round of phototherapy. my paed advised that i increase my breastfeeding sessions to get him to take in more milk and also to sun him in the weak morning sun. i took chinese red dates during confinement too n paed was ok with that. foodwise, paed told me to avoid taking wine (medical wine for confinement). mayb the polyclinic doc should update a bit more on medical knowledge..
my boy had jaundice in the low 200 range but I BF him nonetheless, PD also supported BF. it took about 2 months for jaundice to clear and he has always been a healthy baby :) unless your baby has an abnormally high level of bilirubin or has some issues with his liver, you can continue BF. There are unknown compounds in BM that slows down the recovery of jaundice but nothing to worry about.
My baby had jaundice which was quite high and we had to put her under the phototherapy treatment at home for 2 days after her first chk up post delivery. Doctor advised to continue breastfeeding every 2 hours which can help bring the jaundice level down. As they drink more milk, and pee + poop. It should clear out the jaundice.
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My baby had jaundice too and the polyclinic drs only advised to feed more instead of stopping breast-feeding which is good for the baby! Persist on, mummy!