My NB has jaundice and i have heard breastfeeding causes the jaundice level to rise is it true? Any mummy can advice how to reduce the jaundice level?

Hi mummy..its common for NB to have jaundice..just a matter whether the range is low or high. You may wish to check with your PD whether it is breastfeed jaudice or just jaudice. It different. Infact, it is recommended to continue to breastfeed NB frequent to help bring down the jaudice level. Apart from sunbath, giving give partial FM to help to bring down much faster. If not just continue to breastfeed also ok. Other remedies recommended by old folks which which do works for me are 1) bath baby with yellow flower seed in the day day which you can get it from TCM. 2) Bath with guinness stout mix with water. (This method super fast. It was my confinement lady's method. Amazingly, my LO's jaudice drop by half in just a week). My friend also shared with me giving fresh goat milk helps too. Her LO's jaundice drop to zero in a week. All these are of course depends on your comfort level. You may wish to read the links below too.
Read moreJaundice happens when bilirubin (produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells) builds up faster than a newborn's liver can break it down and pass it from the body. It is a common condition among newborn and you shouldn’t be too worried. Common treatments include more frequent feedings of breast milk, or phototherapy. To date, there had been not been any known harmful effect found in babies who continued to be breastfed while having jaundice. Here are two articles on this condition that you may find useful:
Read moreMy baby had breastfeeding jaundice too and it only went off after about 3 mths or so. first make sure that ur baby has seen a paed and done all tests necessary to ensure that it is really breastfeeding jaundice (n not other problems). I was advised by my paed to breastfeed baby more often to help bring the jaundice level down n also to sun baby in the weak morning sun. I never stopped breastfeeding my son and am still doing it now at 9mths. He is doing good. I did a lot of research on my own too to find out more about breastfeeding jaundice. it would b good to equip urself with more knowledge on this :)
Read moreJaundice is very very common among Chinese due to low gene expression according to my PD. As long as it is not the other kinds of serious problems like liver function etc (which pd can test for), it shouldn't be a concern. With time the gene expression will improve. If u have a lot of ginger in ur food, there can be breastmilk jaundice too. Sunning will help in the first wk of life. Otherwise it's the phototherapy. U can help by giving fm or bm by bottle so that u can ensure baby is well hydrated Caz if baby not drinking well, will cause jaundice to increase too
Read moreNo1 jaundice very high, hence require to took extra blood test to make sure the liver is working well to flush out, yes i insist feeding bm, quite stubborn la me, but as long she never exceeded the level need to shine light again, than it's good. Just make sure she is taking more fluid and make sure she have enough wet diapers for everyday. Go in but must out too right. No2, high but not that high but end up still need shine light too. As usual make they are will well hydrated and got in got out too.
Read moreMy baby is now 1 week plus and still having jaundice. I'm still feeding her ebm and latching her, also bathing her in yellow flower seed. Haven't tried the Guinness stout method yet but tempted to do so since many mummies swear by it. Bringing her to polyclinic tmr for follow up and hoping for the best!!!
Read moreMy little one had jaundice which lasted six weeks since birth. Although it is normal for newborn to be jaundiced after birth, there are cases like breastmilk jaundice which lasts for 12 weeks. To be sure that the biluribin levels are the good kind, please consult a pediatrician immediately.
my PD advised me to ensure baby is feeding well in order to produce wet diapers (to flush out the jaundice). he mentioned that if the bm is insufficient, it might be good to top up with formula to ensure baby drinks sufficiently in order to have good output.
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I encountered the Same problem. The doctor at polyclinic recommended me to give formula milk at least 10% of the feedings. So I did, and two weeks later her jaundice went down.