Expectant mothers’ illness
Anybody heard of a family member (in the same house) falling sick due to the presence of a pregnant mum? Currently staying with my MIL and she hasn’t been well for the past week. Kept saying it’s because of me as I don’t have any morning sickness, only fatigue; so it kind of “passed it on” to her instead. I find this rather hurtful as I don’t believe in such nonsense.

All the best. You know what kind of MIL you will have to deal with now. All the pantang and nonsense will appear throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Better talk to your husband and see how much support you can get from him. My hb very supportive to me. Always tell me his mum isn’t educated and love to talk nonsense. Till now she still telling everyone that we conceived because hb carried his nephew during 100 day celebration. I didn’t attend the event. 🤨🙄
Read moreI only heard that your husband can have nausea/food cravings if you are preg. But it didn’t happen to mine. Everyone always puts it on the pregnant woman like we don’t have enough to deal with already! Tell her to eat her meds!
Actually yes i encounter this before. When i was staying w my parents and was pregnant w my first child. Both my parents were vomiting. But, i didn't believe them. It could be they happen to be sick and ate something bad.
Hi Adrianna, there’s absolutely no such thing. It’s sad that she’s unwell, but it has nothing to do with you. Please ask her to take care, and as for you, I’m happy for you that you have no nausea ☺️
You should tell her she’d better take care of herself and don’t pass the sickness to you because you’re pregnant and you can’t take medications.
No logic or science behind it. Mil is too superstitious. Just ignore those unconstructive remarks.
Hormones can pass between women, especially if the women is dominent (in that case it may be you)
Usually it's the husband or your own mom. But MIL. Hahahahahhahahahaa tell her don't drama.
What BS is this?! 😂 There is no such thing dear. Just ask your MIL to go see a doctor.
Nonsense! Ask her go eat her medicine and don’t pass the virus to you.